December 21, 2024 |
Connecting your PC to a TVTransfer your PC display to your TVFollow the guide below to help you display your computer's screen on the TV screen.
Changing the resolution, colour and refreshing rateUsing the display settings menu, you can change the colour quality, resolution and refreshing rate to get the perfect picture. Select which display you want to modify, and adjust the resolution to the same setting as your TV - this is usually 1920x1080 or 1360x768. If you are unsure, check your TV user manual. Once you've chosen your settings, click apply. Scaling the imageYou can scale the image to better fit your computer screen by visiting the display settings menu and clicking aspect ratio options. Here, you'll be given two choices:
Once you have chosen your aspect ratio, click apply. Changing the brightness, contrast and gammaIn the colour correction menu, you can change the brightness, contrast and gamma to get the perfect picture on your TV. Select the display you want to modify and choose your required settings by sliding the bars left or right. Once you have the right settings, click apply.
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