
Yearly Service for your PC / Laptop

At Platinum Computers Hartlepool, we can provide you with a yearly or sooner service for your computer or Laptop.

  • Is your computer slow to start up?
  • Your Computer slow to respond?
  • Constantly getting Annoying pop-ups when your on the Internet?
  • Page can not be displayed or redirected to a different web site?

  • All signs that your pc is in need of a service, bring it to Platinum Computers and we can get your computer back up and running as it should be, displaying the correct web pages, faster to load pages and faster to start up, we can bring your computer / laptop back to life, instaed of it running like an something from the Arc.

    So what do you get in your service

  • We will check your system for malware and spyware

    • We will run several scans and remove any infections we find on your system.
  • View the programs that are running in the back ground.

    • We will stop unnecessary programs to speed up your system starting up and free up system resouces, which helps your computer run more efficiently and more responsive.
  • Remove any unsubscribed and expired security packages

    • We will install a new FREE security package, unless you wish to purchase a paid security package in which case the cost of the package will be added to your final bill, no installation costs just the price of the package.
  • We will reset any Internet browsers you have installed.
    • This will stop those unwanted pop-ups and redirected web sites.

    If I may say if you suspect your computer / laptop has a malware or spyware infection please do not use your system for anything of a personal nature i.e. online banking or anything that requires you to enter a password, as bad malicious infections can log your passwords and personal information, I dont want o scare you, I just would like you to be aware and safe.

    We also offer a pickup and drop off service, we will pickup your computer or laptop from your home or work, we will then carry out the service and then arrange to drop it back of.
    We will connect up show you your computer / Laptop working. to arrange a pickup PC Collection
    This service does not include us setting up any devices, i.e. printers etc.

    I need to make you aware that we can clean up your computer and get it running as it should be, BUT if you go and visit the same web sites as you got infectections from previously, you WILL get them again possibly in a short period of time and possibly before your next service. No one can gaurantee you from getting malware and spyware infections, no matter what they promise you.

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